Wave: Gestures of Translation


I use the sound wave of “I” as a sample of language to translate from. To create the wave with hotshop glass, I drew the sound wave on hotshop floor. I use my drawing as my reference for sculpting the wave on hot glass surface. There is a couple translating processes happening to create this body of work; the first translation is the floor drawing that is a translation from the actual sound wave. The second translation is the glass sculpting process that is a translation from the floor drawing.

This repetitive process is paralleled from my work, Wave: Atashi, Watashi and I, instead of losing definitions from the wave by physical contact with glass, I am actively losing definitions by coping and translating the wave by my hand. This makes me think about how I learn English and my challenges to use it as accurately as possible.

日本語と英語を交互に使う時間を長く過ごし、日常的に話す一人称が“わたし”や“あたし”ではなく“I”と表現されることに私自身のアイデンティティの変化やずれを感じた。Gesture of Translationは頭の中で日々起こる日本語から英語へのコンスタントな翻訳の様、正確に話そうとする仕草を、私の声が発する“I”を音波へ変換したのちガラスに自分自身でテクスチャーを写し取ることで表現した。

Wave: Landscapes

Wave: Topography



Just an Impression


Wave: Gestures of Dismissal